Connected Account Stats 1.0.0

Adds the number of users that have a connected account to the row of each provider in the admin panel
Connected Account Stats
The Connected Account Stats Add-On offers administrators a clear and concise way to monitor the usage of connected account providers within their forum. By displaying the number of users linked to each provider directly in the admin panel, this add-on provides valuable insights into the performance and popularity of both active and inactive providers.

With its simple yet powerful functionality, this tool empowers forum admins to evaluate user engagement with different connected account options and make data-driven decisions to optimize the user experience.
  • Connected accounts.png
    Connected accounts.png
    304.3 KB · Views: 88
  • Connected accounts 2.png
    Connected accounts 2.png
    33.5 KB · Views: 88

Overview Releases (1)

The Connected Account Stats Add-On offers administrators a clear and concise way to monitor the usage of connected account providers within their forum. By displaying the number of users linked to each provider directly in the admin panel, this add-on provides valuable insights into the performance and popularity of both active and inactive providers.

With its simple yet powerful functionality, this tool empowers forum admins to evaluate user engagement with different connected account options and make data-driven decisions to optimize the user experience.

  • Displays the number of connected accounts for each provider on the provider row

Product Information

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Pricing information

12 Months
Renewal price

Installation Service

1 Day